Tag Archives: life

6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World


This is definitely worth your time to listen to and it gives amazing insight on the benefits of working with mushrooms.  Here are some highlights about mushrooms:

  • Produce strong antibiotics
  • Rot is essential for nutrients in forest (mycelium goes underground)
  • Mycelium inhales oxygen like we do
  • Mycelium is earth’s natural internet (highly branched)
  • Fungi one of the first organisms to come to land
    • Produces oxalic acids = makes rocks crumble to make soil
  • Fungi do not need light: uses radiation as source of energy
  • Largest organism in the world: mycelia wall
  • Ways mushrooms can be used to save the world
    • Habitat restoration
    • Active against flu viruses and pox
    • Energy called “Econol” made by the breakdown of cellulose to fungal sugars