A 1914 Trip Report of Psilocybin Mushrooms

A 1914 Trip Report of Psilocybin Mushrooms

This is featured on Psychedelic Frontier.  The following report is from the September 18, 1914 issue of Science magazine, generously contributed to Erowid by archivist Michael Horowitz, as a silvered, heavily-aged copy from old microfiche. This stands out as one of the earliest known experience reports for psilocybin-containing mushrooms. Although the author identifies the mushrooms as Panaeolus papilionaceus, Paul Stamets suggests that Verrill’s identification may have been wrong and the mushrooms might have instead been Panaeolus subbalteatus.

The faces appeared in all sorts of bright and even intense colors–so intense that I could only liken them to flames of fire, in red, purple, green and yellow colors, like fireworks.

Narrative of Mr. W

On July 10, 1914, I gathered a good mess of the mushrooms (Panaeolus papilionaceus) and had them cooked for dinner. There may have been about a pound of them as gathered, but when fried in butter they made no great quantity, owing to their softness and delicate structure.

They were all eaten by Mrs. Y. and myself. Peculiar symptoms were perceived in a very short time. Noticed first that I could not collect my thoughts easily, when addressed, nor answer readily. Could not will to arise promptly. Walked a short distance; the time was short, but seemed long drawn out; could walk straight but seemed drowsy; had no disagreeable stomach sensations, effects seemed entirely mental; remember little about the walk. Mrs. Y. was in about the same condition, according to Mr. Y. My mind very soon appeared to clear up somewhat, and things began to seem funny, and rather like intoxication. Walked with Mr. Y. A little later objects took on peculiar bright colors. A field of redtop grass seemed to be in horizontal stripes of bright red and green, and a peculiar green hue spread itself over all the landscape. At this time Mrs. Y. saw nearly everything green, but the sky was blue; her white handkerchief appeared green to her; and the tips of her fingers seemed to be like the heads of snakes.

Next, say about half an hour after eating, both of us had an irresistible impulse to run and jump, which we did freely. I did not stagger, but all my motions seemed to be mechanical or automatic, and my muscles did not properly nor fully obey my will. Soon both of us became very hilarious, with an irresistible impulse to laugh and joke immoderately, and almost hysterically at times. The laughing could be controlled only with great difficulty; at the same time we were indulging extravagantly in joking and what seemed to us funny or witty remarks. Mr. Y., who was with us, said that some of the jokes were successful; others not so, but I can not remember what they were about.

Mr. Y. says that at this time the pupils of our eyes were very much dilated, and that. Mrs. Y. at times rolled up her eyes and had some facial contortions, and slight frothing of saliva at the mouth. Later we returned to the house, about one quarter of a mile. At this time I had no distinct comprehension of time; a very short time seemed long drawn out, and a longer time seemed very short; the same as to distances walked; though not so when estimated by the eye. The hilarious condition continued, but no visual illusions occurred at this time.

After entering the house, I noticed that the irregular figures on the wall-paper seemed to have creepy and crawling motions, contracting and expanding continually, though not changing their forms; finally they began to project from the wall and grew out toward me from it with uncanny motions.

About this time I noticed a bouquet of large red roses, all of one kind, on the table and another on the secretary; then at once the room seemed to become filled with roses of various red colors and of all sizes, in great bunches, wreaths and chains, and with regular banks of them, all around me, but mixed with some green foliage, as in the real bouquets. This beautiful illusion lasted only a short time. About this time I had a decided rush of blood to my head, with marked congestion, which caused me to lie down. I then had a very disagreeable illusion. Innumerable human faces, of all sorts and sizes, but all hideous, seemed to fill the room and to extend off in multitudes to interminable distances, while many were close to me on all sides. They were all grimacing rapidly and horribly and undergoing contortions, all the time growing more and more hideous. Some were upside down.

The faces appeared in all sorts of bright and even intense colors–so intense that I could only liken them to flames of fire, in red, purple, green and yellow colors, like fireworks.

At this time I began to become alarmed and sent for the doctor, but he did nothing, for the effects were wearing off when he came. Real objects at this time appeared in their true forms, but if colored they assumed far more intense or vivid colors than natural; dull red becoming brilliant red, etc. A little later, when standing up, I had the unpleasant sensation of having my body elongate upward to the ceiling, which receding, I grew far up, like Jack’s bean-stalk, but retained my natural thickness. Collapsed suddenly to my natural height.

At this time I noticed the parlor organ and tried to play on it, to see the effect, but could not concentrate my mind nor manage my fingers. About this time my mind became confused and my remembrance of what happened next is dim and chaotic. Probably there was a partial and brief loss of consciousness. Laid down to wait for the doctor. Looking at my hands, they seemed to become small, emaciated, shrunken and bony, like those of a mummy. Mrs. Y. says that at this time her hands and arms seemed to grow unnaturally large.

When I attempted to scratch a spot on my neck, it felt like scratching a rough cloth meal-bag full of meal, and it seemed as large as a barrel, and the scratching seemed quite impersonal. Later I imagined I was able, by a sort of clairvoyance, to tell the thoughts of those around me. Soon after this our conditions rapidly assumed the very hilarious phase, similar to that of the early stages, with much involuntary laughing and joking. This condition gradually diminished after three o’clock, until our mental conditions became perfectly normal, at about six o’clock P.M. The entire experience lasted about six hours. No ill effects followed. There was no headache, nor any disturbance of the digestion.


Yale University

4 responses »

  1. I love reading older accounts of psychedelic experiences. The language and certain time period details are always fun. “…it felt like scratching a rough cloth meal-bag full of meal, and it seemed as large as a barrel…”

    The beginning reminded me of something. I had a very old Bavarian professor once recall his mother and aunt adding a certain mushroom to their cooking to give it a little something extra when he was a kid. And he said he could definitely tell the difference when they added it. 😉


      • He did not. He mentioned it in class only briefly. I wish I had asked, but it didn’t quite seem appropriate to ask a professor about tripping, haha. I’ve always been cautious about the topic. I live in Arkansas, and it’s especially taboo.


      • Haha yeah that is a little awkward, but I’m sure he would have shared his experience in his office hours 😉 wow really that’s interesting and sad actually :/ It’s funny how we shun the things that can possibly help us the most! What is up with the world.

        Come to California!


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